Here at Edit Cosmetic, we always start with a consultation. This is to get a clear idea of what you are wanting for the finished result and for me to determine your needs dependent on your skin type, eyebrow hair, shape and colour. The consultation is free and takes around 15 minutes. With no actual commitments to the tattoo until you book for the procedure. We can do this via message if you prefer, and feel confident and comfortable with sharing photos or discussing over phone or messages.
Once we both feel happy with the plan moving forward we make an appointment for your tattoo.
Procedure day. I advise you to have no caffeine or alcohol the day before and on the morning of your appointment. This is because caffeine can cause a little more bleeding which can result in less absorption of the ink. I also advise you to wash your hair as little as possible over the next 10 days as we need to keep your eyebrows dry. You can still wash your hair in the 10 days following however this can be difficult as keeping the eyebrows dry is top priority. Getting them too wet with warm water can cause the pores to open and release ink.
When you arrive you will be asked to fill out a form to go through your details, health history, give permission for the procedure and waivers to protect yourself and I during the medical process. We also read about aftercare and will revise it at the end also.
We then take before photos if you give permission for them. We will then get started by prepping the skin with alcohol wipes to remove any oils, sweat and makeup. Next is brow mapping and drawing. This can take around 30 minutes. I use mapping string, sticker ruler and pencil. We go back and forth until we are both happy with the way they will look. After this I use the tattoo pen using light strokes to open the skin. I then place numbing gel on the brow which is quickly absorbed into the now open skin. This is all very painless. I like to start with the outline as I have found this to be a very important step to getting sharp lines (that I pride myself on!) After that I go back and forth between the eyebrows gently shading in, whilst reapplying numbing cream throughout the process. This takes around 1 and half hours.
That’s it! Now bam! You have new transformed eyebrows. As you can see from my photos I do bold beautiful brows which can look very bold on day one. I do this because they shrink by 15% and fade by 40%. So the finished look will be very different to day one. They take around 10 days to heal. But 6 weeks to show their true outcome.
I then ask you to check in the mirror and make sure you’re happy. We will take after photos and rebook your 6 week top up which is included in the original cost. After this I will give you a little pack with your aftercare and instructions on how best to care for your new beautiful eyebrows. I'll share another blog about aftercare soon and around the importance this has on your results.
We then say goodbye and will see you again 6 weeks later. Look out for my next blog about what to expect at your 6 week top up appointment.
I hope this has helped you to understand a little more of the process of what to expect when getting your first ombre eyebrow tattoo.
Yours in brows Kerry Best
Akina, Hastings
Hawkes Bay